Viletech Computer Solutions


Morgan Stanley Banking Latest To Get Hit By Data Breach

Hacks continue to evolve as the hackers themselves get increasingly sophisticated. One of the most recent victims is investment banking giant Morgan Stanley. Their network was breached after the attackers stole personal ...

Microsoft Issues Patches For PrintNightmare Bug

If you're one of the legions of Windows users, you may be aware that the OS currently has some printer issues. In fact, they're so severe that the bug has been dubbed ...

Ransomware Attackers May Target Industrial Machines Soon

Government officials and some internet security researchers have been saying for quite some time now that the nation's (and the world's) core infrastructure is at risk. Some examples include the flow of ...

Google Calendar Adds Virtual Meeting For Hybrid Office Workers

The pandemic is slowly fading from the headlines and releasing its grip on the world as the dominant factor in daily life. Now, businesses of all shapes and sizes are beginning to ...

Fake Apps Stealing Info With Current Cryptocurrency Boom

In case you haven't been paying attention, the Cryptocurrency markets have been booming in recent months. All of the major currencies have now pulled back from their all time highs, but BitCoin ...

Chromebooks Get First Optimized Browser Alternative

In the world of internet browsers, most people only think of the Big Three: Chrome, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. Occasionally, Firefox gets an honorable mention, but there are a whole raft of ...

This Malware Could Be Using Your PC To Make Money

If you haven't heard of a malware strain called Crackonosh, be aware that it might be abusing your system, and specifically, Windows Safe Mode, to make money for its controllers. In fact, ...

Some Netgear Devices May Have Vulnerabilities According To Microsoft

Do you use a Netgear DGN router, either at home or in your office? If so, be aware that Microsoft has discovered a number of security flaws that impact those devices, if ...

Some US Mercedes Customers Likely Hit With Data Breach

Do you own, or have you recently test-driven a Mercedes? If so, or if you've created an account on their website for some other purpose, be advised that the company recently disclosed ...

Take Your Business To The Next Level With These Technology Solutions

When you set goals for your business this year, there’s a good chance one of those goals was tied to growth. It’s a common goal. You have your eyes set on acquiring ...


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